How well do you know your universe?

Unknown users are in touch with your content every day.
Get in contact with them and get to know them now.

New Data. 

Generate additional data and new insights about your users. With this valuable information, you can optimize your content and reach out for new customers.

New Subscriptions.

Generate more digital subscribers. With PaidTime you have the ability to convert anonymous users into paying customers easily.

New advertising Revenue.

Increase advertising revenue with your current partners. With PaidTime you identify the most attractive user segments and make the most of them to increase profitability.

Create and exploit new potential with Paidtime.

PaidTime is a new, time-based platform for marketing digital content on your own website. PaidTime can be quickly and easily integrated with any content management system. You immediately gain the opportunity to generate new data and revenue potentials and implement your paid content strategy quickly.

Generate data

Find out which content is used and how to encourage your visitors to pay. Gain extensive data about your user groups and their behavior.

New time-based Monetization

Determine the daily free time you want to grant to your user. Reward registrations. Charge usage of your premium content minute-by-minute or flat (subscription) - everything is possible.

Get in Touch

Successively build new customer relationships: via incentive time packages, adblocker avoidance or the most simple registration options. We pass on the generated data and help you to get in direct contact with your users.

generate subscriptions

Every anonymous user is a potential customer for tomorrow. Increase the retention time on your premium content and convert your fans from anonymous occasional users to paid subscribers with PaidTime!

fast and easy analytics.

Having PaidTime working and capturing your user behavior instantly is easy. Installed in seconds, PaidTime will collect data about your users, usage intensity, free content, paid content and much more. The data will be displayed on your dashboard. Additional reports are easy to create and combine at any time, you do not have to be a technical expert.

The measure is time.

Time is our scarcest ressource. The available time of any individual is precious and valuable. Just like your premium content. That's why PaidTime is a win-win principle. For you. And for your users. Consuming content on demand is easy and fair.

user view

Gaining and saving time.
Consuming on-demand is easy and fair. PaidTime users appreciate that they can pay for premium content based on time, that is only for the duration of a use. Users can use their remaining time credit anywhere, globally across all partner publishers.

publisher view

Measure and monetize time and relevance.
As a pusblisher, you provide limited access to your premium content to new, potential customers. Learn more about your users, their behavior and their interests using PaidTime. Gain insights about the intensity of use, duration and take-off time of your content. Win new subscribers on an ongoing basis!

Do not lose time.
use it now.